Architectural Topics
In Architectural Topics, students use case studies to contrast the meanings of buildings designed in urban or rural environments. The course introduces and explores the relationships between architecture and site. Each week, site is examined through lectures, case studies, representations, and readings. Weekly, project-based assignments focus on the process and production techniques for designing with tools—hand skills, software, and hardware. Students are expected to develop an understanding of best practices for each set of tools and to explore their design ramifications. Architectural Topics shares its physical site and is taught in conjunction with its co-requisite Architectural Design IV (ARCH 2002). The concepts and coursework discussed during Architectural Topics are intended to be applied in the Architectural Design IV and to augment and inform the required studio work. This coordination reflects a premise of the school’s curriculum: design involves the synthesis of diverse areas of knowledge and various skills, and the design studio is the primary venue for that synthesis.