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Malcolm McClay Leads Interdisciplinary Team to Address ADHD Through Art

Malcolm McClay, Pliner professor of art/sculpture, was awarded an ϳԹ Provost’s Fund for Innovation in Research “Big Ideas in Arts and Humanities” grant for $25,000 investing in the project Unwinding the Universe. The project…

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Jason Jamerson Joins Groundbreaking Biomedical Research Project

In an exciting new interdisciplinary collaboration, Jason Jamerson, assistant professor of virtual production and immersive media at ϳԹ College of Art & Design and College of Music & Dramatic Arts, is part of a…

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Darius Spieth Awarded ϳԹ Distinguished Research Master; Named Sternberg Professor

Art history professor Darius Spieth has been selected to receive the 2025 ϳԹ Distinguished Research Master Award in the area of Arts, Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences. This award recognizes excellence and outstanding achievement…

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Seeing the Bigger Picture

The School of Art combines the best of both worlds: the resources and faculty of a large liberal arts institution with the personal attention that comes in a close-knit community. As the largest art department in Louisiana and the fourth-largest major at ϳԹ, the School of Art brings together more than 35 full-time faculty members and 500 undergraduate and graduate students to explore and embrace studies in art history, ceramics, digital art, graphic design, painting & drawing, photography, printmaking, and sculpture.

#1 largest fine arts and art history programs in the state of Louisiana
20+ visiting artists, lecturers, and scholars are invited to the school each year
15:1 average student to faculty class size ratio beating the national average

Don’t just learn it, live it.

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Students stare at photography prints on walls
Basic photography introduces students to photography as an art form with emphasis on the technical and conceptual concerns of the medium.
Young woman in blue shirt assembles sculpture
Art students learn fundamental 3D design skills during the foundation year of study.
Glowing screen in dim room
Digital art students learn modeling and animation using 3D objects and spaces in a virtual environment.
Glassell Gallery at night
The Glassell Gallery is located at the Shaw Center for the Arts in downtown Baton Rouge.
Female student with camera photographs woman in red dress in lighted studio
Students can check out cameras and lighting equipment and stage their own photo shoots in the CxC Art + Design Studio.
Instructor sculpts bust as students watch in classroom
Professor Malcolm McClay demonstrates sculpture techniques.
Digital art students at laptops
Beginning studies in digital art emphasize familiarity with the digital environment.
Michael Triegel gesticulates as students look on
Visiting artist Michael Triegel speaks to art history students about what is was like growing up as an artist in East Berlin.
Glowing screen in digital art studio
Students learn to incorporate an understanding of artistic context in their work.
African American female student at laptop in digital lab
Art history faculty teach a broad spectrum of courses and specializations in ancient, medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, modern, and contemporary art.
Glassell Art Gallery
The School of Art Glassell Gallery provides opportunities for students to display their work off campus.
female student drawing, sitting on steps in courtyard
ϳԹ's beautiful campus provides ample inspiration for sketching outside.
Figure draped in colored fabric
Students work with visiting artist Rachel Hayes on a performance installation.
Student welding in yellow suit and face mask, sparks flying
Sculpture students learn to weld in the metal-working studio.
Students in office setting.
Students visit graphic design firms in London over spring break
Close-up of yellow gloves with text written on fingers: PRINT MAKE
Student points, while holding sketchpad, as instructor looks on in campus plaza
Instructor Jacqueline Dee Parker advises a painting and drawing student.
Hands sculpt clay on wheel
The potter’s wheel is a tremendous tool used to create functional and non-functional forms in clay.
People with cameras
Professor Thomas Neff with photography students
Student and visiting artist in room with photography on wall
Visiting artist Richard Sexton with a photography student
Students in white studio with watercolor paintings
Watercolor critique
Colorful paints and paint brush painting on paper
Student puts designs on wall board.
A student member of GDSO pins up work for a client
People in auditorium during lsu college of art and design lecture series
French historian Marc Fumaroli lectures to art history students.
Large black sculptures in ϳԹ courtyard
Sculpture installation with visiting artist
Student in dark room, holding light
Advanced studios in digital art focus on contemporary themes such as interactivity.
Female students paint at easels
Painting studio in Foster Hall
Art students sit in red chairs around visiting artist
Visiting artist DJ Stout of Pentagram meets with graphic design students.
People making bowls, many circles on table
Ceramics students help visiting artist Clare Twomey make 1,000 bowls for an installation.
lsu photography students in museum
Photography students visit the Odgen Museum of Southern Art in New Orleans.
Young woman works at table covered in art supplies, in large warehouse setting
Studio space in the old Studio Art Building
Students and professor around manuscripts in library
Art history professor Matt Savage guides students on a tour of ϳԹ Hill Memorial Library's Special Collections.
ϳԹ printmaking student in pink shirt carves a design into a brown plate
Printmaking student Monet DuPlessis prepares an intaglio plate.
Ceramic bowls, cups, mugs, and plates on display on shelves at art sale
The Ceramic Artist Student Association hosts biannaual pottery sales on campus.
Student sits under crepe myrtle tree, sketching on large white paper
A painting & drawing student sketches outside.
Group of students and faculty on stairs.
Graphic design students attend a conference in Houston.
Students assemble colorful path on lawn in front of Old Louisiana State Capitol building
Sculpture students assist a visiting artist with an installation.
lsu printmaking students study prints on table
Alumnus Ben Rinehart holds a workshop for printmaking students.
Male students look at images on large screen at lsu future fest
Students participate in Future Fest at the Digital Media Center.
Sculptures of open mouths in glass case at lsu student union gallery
A student art show at the ϳԹ Student Union Gallery
lsu photography students look at books with visiting artist
Photography students with visiting artist Alec Soth
graphic design awards banquet
Graphic design students attend the Addys.
view of street through glass windows of glassell gallery
Edie Tsong's Snow Poems exhibit at the School of Art Glassell Gallery in downtown Baton Rouge
Historic book with colorful illustration
Hill Memorial Library's Special Collections contains rare illuminated manuscripts, which students can carefully peruse.
Female ceramics student creates clay bust of woman
Advanced ceramics students find an invidividual voice in the medium while mastering skills.
Tall male African American student gestures to painting while professor studies work
Painting students pursue individualized work with guidance and critique from faculty and peers.
students study photography prints on walls
Photography students learn how to use a 35mm camera, develop film, make photographic prints from negatives, and develop a final portfolio.
Figures under brightly colored umbrellas, at easels outside surrounded by trees
Professor Ortner's landscape painting class
Prints on display at outdoor art sale
The Print Club student organization hosts biannual print sales on campus.
Three smiling students, American Advertising Awards logo on black wall behind
GDSO students Christina Chang, Spencer Bagert, and Ashley Trowel, took home Addy Awards for their work.
Female student in blue cap working on sculpture in large warehouse studio
Advanced sculpture offers students the opportunity to pursue individualized projects.
cups surrounding bird cage on table at lsu glassell gallery
8 Fluid Ounces ceramics exhibition at the School of Art Glassell Gallery
Female student holds frame wrapped in greenery with Irish countryside in background
Student work completed in the Art in Ireland study abroad program
Female student in mask uses sculpture machinery
A sculpture student using the forge
Design says "wanderlust" in trendy typeface.
2014 BFA Graphic Design exhibition
students clapping at lsu college of art & design commencement ceremony
School of Art graduates work as artists, animators, museum administrators, photographers, teachers, gallery managers, and commercial designers.
Students in caps at commencement ceremony
School of Art graduates work all over the world.
Two women in purple gowns hugging at graduation
Our faculty and alumni have strong networks with artists and designers to help students find their niche after graduation.
Female student receives her diploma from School of Art Director Rod Parker
School of Art Director Rod Parker awarding a diploma.
People smile and point at suspended artwork at lsu school of art grad walk
School of Art graduate students display their work at the end of each semester during Grad Walk.
lsu art history professor and student on terrace, view of Istanbul in background
Art History Professor Matt Savage and graduate student Cody Savage on a research trip in Istanbul
Female student at work in smock
A graduate student in the printmaking studio at Foster Hall
lsu graphic design work on display in gallery
Graduating graphic design students display their work in a BFA Show each year.
Students study prints in library
Bradley Bernard and Rachael Noto examine print works at Hill Memorial Library.
Student smiling in front of paintings
Painting & drawing graduate student Jabed Rashel during Grad Walk
Children gather around table with printmaking tools
Printmaking graduate student Jamie Kutner demonstrates letter press composition at the Louisiana Book Festival.
Graphic design prints on black table
Graphic design graduate student work on display at Grad Walk
Art gallery
Graduate student work on display during Grad Walk
lsu school of art graduate student exhibitions
Graduate students display their thesis work at School of Art galleries.
Male student with pink bandana holds rainbow roll
Printmaking graduate student Eric Euler with a rainbow roll
Art installation at lsu school of art grad walk
Grad Walk installation
People dressed in elegant clothing at awards ceremony
Graphic design alumni Luisa Restrepo Perez (MFA '13) and Jeremy Grassman (MFA '13) attend Addys gala.
woman in pink gown lounges on red velvet couch
Painting by Bridget Parris (MA/Art History; MFA/Painting&Drawing)
Ornate white clock
Bridget Parris (MA/Art History; MFA/Painting&Drawing) designed this Marie Antoinette clock as senior design for Anthropologie stores.
Ornate white platter, silver forks
Bridget Parris (MA Art History/MFA Painting & Drawing) was invited to design a self-named collection for Magenta's boutique line.
Group of people in classroom
Ceramics graduate Anna Calluori Holcombe (MFA '77) was a Fulbright Senior Lecturer in the College of Fine Arts at Anadolu University in Turkey.
Panelists speaking
Joseph Givens (MA, Art History '13) organized a panel about the history of comic books within the Civil Rights Movement at Comic-Con International.
Woman at large format printmaker
Johanna Paas (MFA '01) is an associate professor of printmaking at Central Michigan University.
It's Lonely Out Here, 2015, Abstract sculpture resembling reeds
Cody Arnall (MFA '10) is an artist-in-residence and instructor at Paducah College of Art and Design.
Painting of colorful yellow buildings with red roofs
Since graduating from ϳԹ, Adrianna Speer (BFA '02) has studied painting in rural southern France, West Ireland, and Greece.
Black and white photograph of a little girl laughing
Katherine Landry (BFA '04) owns her own business, Katherine Landry Photography, and has been featured in the Wall Street Journal and several magazines.
Halo, abstract piece, lsu art alumni work
Artist Tony McDonald (BFA '76) paintings and sculptures have been exhibited at galleries across the South.
lsu graphic design alumni smiling at design week
Graphic Designer Courtney Marse (MFA '14) presents her collection of digital textile prints at SCFD Southern Design Week.
lsu graphic design alum portrait, black and white. Lettering on wall in background
Tal Leming (BFA 1996) was a type designer for House Industries before starting his own type foundry, Type Supply.
balto font, lsu graphic design alumni work: white type, red background
The Balto font family is Tal Leming's (BFA 1996) take on the classic American Gothic style.
Text: the Design Issue, "how to save the net"; teal background. lsu graphic design alumni work
Tal Leming (BFA 1996), founder of Type Supply, draws fancy headline for Wired magazine.
Carved design in steps, lsu ceramics alumni work
Detail of Step-by-Step by ceramic artist Haejung Lee (MFA 2008)
Ceramic tree, lsu ceramics alumni work
Taking Root by ceramic artist Haejung Lee (MFA 2008)
Buffalo, lsu painting and drawing alumni work
Confrontation, acrylic on panel, 12" x 16", 2014, by Shelby Prindaville (MFA 2013, Painting & Drawing)
Bradley Furnish in pixar studio
Pixar Editor Bradley Furnish, BFA '04, has worked on Toy Story 3, Brave, and the It Get's Better PSA.
Poster for The Dam Keeper
Bradley Furnish, BFA '04, edited the award-winning short animation film The Dam Keeper.
Cartoon fox and pig
Bradley Furnish, BFA '04, editor at Pixar, presented and screened The Dam Keeper at the ϳԹ Digital Media Center Theatre in 2015.
steel sculpture with word "freedom"; lsu sculpture alumni work
LBJ-MLK Crossroads Memorial in San Marcos, Texas; 2014, by Aaron Hussey (MFA Scultpure 2002)
Woman by large ornate vessels
Ceramic artist Sin-Ying Ho (MFA 2001) pieces are in permanent collections at museums around the world.
Print of dancer, rows of green leaves in background
Trees of Joviation by Katie Naquin (BFA 2013), owner and instructor at 7 elements BR
Cover for book "Ancients & Warriors: The Sketch Art of Gavin Michelli"
Freelance illustrator Gavin Michelli's (BFA '06) work is featured in Ancients & Warriors: The Art of Gavin Michelli from Inverse Press.
Sketch of old man with glasses, frowning woman. lsu painting and drawing alumni work
Gavin Michelli (BFA '06) has worked for a myriad of clients as the in-house illustrator for Lamar Advertising.