DART 7001 – Group Seminar in Cultural Preservation (3)
May be taken for 6 hours credit. Research and discussion seminar in which subject areas in cultural theory are represented through presentations and discussion of readings with emphasis on the evolution of theories and current best practices in each area. Permission of Instructor.
DART 7002 Research Methods (3)
Survey of qualitative and quantitative methodologies including the selection of research topic, definition of primary questions and terminologies, determination of relevant data types and collection strategies, and preparation of project research strategy including development of a research bibliography and interviews with potential thesis committee members.
DART 7003 Seminar in Digital Culture (3)
Provides a common, theoretical ground for the exploration of Cultural Preservation with respect to digital culture, and reviews key digital approaches, tools, representational techniques, and resources for advancing scholarship in Cultural Preservation through case studies exploring tactics and strategies for creating and deploying computational resources in research. Permission of Instructor.
DART 7004 Seminar in Material Culture (3)
This course is an introductory research and discussion seminar on the disciple of material culture as a foundation for the study of cultural production and preservation. It will present the study of materiality as an integral dimension of culture through focus on the social and cultural roles of things and the built environment. Insights drawn from anthropology, history, art history, geography will provide an overview of theoretical approaches to the study of material culture involving the creation of meaning, identity, representation, memory, objectification, knowledge and power. Permission of Instructor.
LIS 7408 Introduction to Archival Theory, Principles & Practice (3)
Introduction to the theory, principles and practices of the archival endeavor; particular focus on introducing the key archival functions of appraisal, accessioning, arrangement and description, preservation, reference and outreach.
LIS 7704 Archival Arrangement & Description (3)
Development of the intellectual framework and critical evaluation skills necessary for the arrangement and description of archival collections.
LIS 750X CARST Preservation Elective (3)
Chosen in consultation with Advisor/Committee Chair. One of the following courses:
LIS 7504 Preservation Management of Physical Records (3)
LIS 7505 Digital Curation (3)
LIS 7506 Preservation & Digitization of Audiovisual Materials (3)
DART 9001 Thesis Definition (3): (prereq: 7001, 7002)
Development of a thesis work plan, including identification of thesis committee (at least three faculty, inclusive of chair); development of thesis prospectus; identification of research question(s) and articulation of research methodology. Successful completion required for entry into the Third Year of the Program. Permission of Instructor.
LIS 7XXX CARST Elective (3): Chosen in consultation with Advisor/Committee Chair from the following:
LIS 7700 History & Theory of Cultural Heritage Institutions (3)
Socio-cultural history and theory of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural heritage institutions.
LIS 7808 Advanced Seminar in Archives & Cultural Heritage (3)
Advanced investigation of archival and cultural heritage topics from a theoretical and applied perspective.
LIS 7909 Directed Independent Study (3)
Focused research in an archival studies topic coinciding with the students area of research. The student does independent reading under the direction and guidance of the appropriate faculty director, meeting together at least nine times during the semester. The student prepares a written report, e.g., project, essay, bibliography, etc., to be submitted for evaluation by both the faculty director and the students advisor.
DART 8003 Advanced Research (3): (prerequisite Dart 8001 and DART 8002, or six hours of DART 8001)
Focused research based on thesis proposal under the direction of designated faculty directed toward students area of specialization. May be taken for 12 hours credit. Permission of Instructor.
LIS 7XXX CARST Elective (3): Chosen in consultation with Advisor/Committee Chair from the following:
LIS 7504 Preservation Management of Physical Records (3)
LIS 7505 Digital Curation (3)
LIS 7506 Preservation & Digitization of Audiovisual Materials (3)
LIS 7604 Principles of Records Management (3)
LIS 7702 Seminar in Advanced Archival Appraisal (3)
LIS 7705 Introduction to Museum Management (3)
LIS 7808 Special Topics in LIS (when appropriate) (3)
(General Examination)
DART 8003 Advanced Research (3-6): (prerequisite six hours of DART 8002 or 8003, DART 8001)
Applied thesis research under the direction of designated faculty directed toward students area of specialization, based on thesis proposal/research. May be taken for 12 hours credit. Permission of Instructor.
DART 9002 Thesis Preparation (6): (prerequisite DART 9001)
Production of first thesis chapter based on research. Work plan developed in DART 9001 and supervision of faculty. Permission of Instructor.
DART 8003 Advanced Research (3-6): (prerequisite six hours of DART 8002 or 8003, DART 9001)
Applied thesis research under the direction of designated faculty directed toward students area of specialization, based on thesis proposal/research. May be taken for 12 hours credit. Permission of Instructor.
DART 9003 Thesis Completion (6): (prerequisite DART 9002)
Completion of approved thesis based on research. Work plan developed in DART 9001 representing students area of research interest. Permission of Instructor.